Performance skills are paramount for any dancer. Throughout the course, students will develop and refine their performance skills. This includes solo, with a partner and in an ensemble. The students will work with a range of choreographers to learn, rehearse, refine and perform different works in preparation for the end of year showcase.
Composition development is an important process that all dancers should understand and experience. The students will explore the application of elements of shape, space, time and dynamics to their choreographic works. Developing their work through technical and expressive dance movements to enhance the mood and style of their compositions. The student will explore the application of improvisational movement techniques to enhance the depth of work through technical and expressive dance movements. They will explore the composition development process for both solo and partnering work.
– CUACHR413 Develop choreography skills
– CUADAN313 Develop and apply dance partnering techniques
– CUADAN417 Develop expertise in dance performance techniques
– CUAPRF414 Develop movement skills for performance
– CUAPRF415 Rehearse for performances